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A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man actively working out while wearing a black TOMSCOUT 20cm bandage Chest Binder, part of the TOMSCOUT STRENGTH collection. This image showcases the binder's effectiveness in combating body dysphoria, emphasizing its durability and support for the LGBT community in Singapore.



Empower Your True Self

Artistic representation of one drop of water and one blaze of fire coming together, symbolizing unity and contrast.

每個人都需要維生素海 (C)








Silhouette of a non-binary person with a short clean haircut, alone, embodying feelings of anxiety and depression, set against a cool-toned backdrop.

When you look in the mirror,

Do you see your true self? Or maybe there's something getting in the way?

A non-binary individual with white hair, showcasing a sad expression in a Nordic-inspired bedroom, symbolizing a journey of self-discovery amidst a cool-toned ambiance.



A calligraphy font design and TOMSCOUT brand color. TOMSCOUT SAPPHIRE - SWIMMER BINDER
A calligraphy font design and TOMSCOUT brand color. TOMSCOUT SAPPHIRE - SWIMMER BINDER
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.
Sustainable and high-quality TOMSCOUT 20cm chest binder worn by a non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man, showcasing durability while combating body dysphoria. Exercising with the durable TOMSCOUT STRENGTH bandage binder.


尺寸 尺寸表 小號
顏色 尺寸表 瑪瑙
商品有庫存 快點,只剩下19 商品缺貨 商品不可用

憑藉力量實現最佳表現 - 終極繃帶捆綁器

隆重介紹 STRENGTH,這是繃帶中無可爭議的暢銷產品,旨在幫助您實現最平坦的胸部。

無論您是尋求日常舒適感還是在鍛鍊和健身計劃中尋求增強表現,STRENGTH 都是您的理想選擇。

模特穿著 M 碼

模特胸圍:31 英寸(約 78 厘米)


型號重量:115bs(約 52kg)


如果您的尺寸介於兩個尺寸之間且僅 3 公分以上,我們建議為這款繃帶夾選擇較小尺寸。這款活頁夾採用可拉伸布料精心製作,具有靈活性,同時確保緊密舒適。


●無與倫比的支撐: STRENGTH 採用 20 公分寬的鬆緊帶(「繃帶」),提供無與倫比的支撐,確保胸部外觀光滑、平坦。

●多功能設計: 這款活頁夾可以方便地放在任何運動服下面,讓您可以在鍛鍊、健身計劃或任何您需要的時候佩戴它。

● 牢固貼合:具有 4x6 排方便穿脫的掛鉤,確保安全舒適貼合,同時提供無縫飾面。

這款胸帶採用 88% 聚酯纖維和 12% 氨綸萊卡布料的堅固混紡面料製成,提供最佳鍛鍊體驗所需的耐用性和靈活性。

● 胸圍:31 吋(約 79 公分)
● 身高:5'8"(約178cm)
● 重量:120磅(約55公斤)





Unlock Your Inner Brilliance with STRENGTH

and you shall shine like a diamond.


我實際上已經有 15 年沒有去游泳了,因為我覺得我穿著典型的女性泳衣看起來不太對勁。這件泳衣給了我心靈和身體自由的信心,讓我再次回到游泳池。

The United States flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in the United States



The Canada flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in Canada



The Singapore flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in Singapore
凱. E.
Non-binary individual in a black tank top, contemplatively watching the city's urban sunset view from a high vantage point.

