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Non-binary androgynous tomboy and transgender man sporting a black TOMSCOUT non-bandage short Chest Binder, part of the TOMSCOUT BECOMING collection, designed to aid in their journey against body dysphoria.



Your Journey, Your Identity

A diverse and bustling urban scene featuring two enormous abstract boxes, one blue and one pink, symbolizing a spectrum of genders and identities, inspired by gender diversity.





Blonde-haired, short clean-cut, non-binary transgender male with a backpack, viewed from the back, gazing thoughtfully at the street, reflecting on his personal journey.

We believe that you should be free to express yourself in any way that feels true to you.

We're here to empower you, whether you identify as:

Transgender individual dressed in an elegant pink suit and shirt, with glasses on, smiling happily and proudly, embodying a sophisticated and elegant look in an office setting.



Lesbian couple in nature, enjoying a camping trip, captured in a beautiful portrait photograph that reflects the essence of the LGBT community.



Feminine, non-binary individual with a short haircut, confidently looking into the camera against a warm-toned backlight, their smile a symbol of pride in the LGBT community.



...or something entirely unique and beautiful.

Art gallery showcasing a flourishing pink flower, representing the glowing LGBT community, set in an artistic working space with oil paintings.




So, why not Start Today?

There's no time like the present to begin the exploration of your true self.

A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man lying on a leather sofa and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man lying on a mirror and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting while holding a flower as a prop, dressed in a black non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder from the BECOMING collection, exuding confidence as they look towards the camera.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and holding a flower as prop and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and holding a flower as prop and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a beige color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a beige color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a beige color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking confidence towards the camera. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.
A non-binary androgynous tomboy, transgender man sitting and wearing a black color of a non-bandage TOMSCOUT Chest Binder to fight body dysphoria and looking towards left side. TOMSCOUT BECOMING non-bandage binder.


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您的日常自信之路 – 365 天舒適活頁夾


重新發現自信地穿著任何服裝的自由,並自豪地展現真實的自我。從休閒 T 卹到優雅的正裝,BECOMING 都能滿足您的需求,提供支撐與舒適的完美平衡,滿足您的日常需求。

XS 號:75 厘米,42 公斤(最小)
M 號:79 厘米,55 公斤(特)
L 號:89 厘米,52 公斤(RAC)
XL 號:92 厘米,67 公斤(蔡氏)
2XL 碼:95 厘米,70 公斤(Afiq)
3XL 碼:102 厘米,77 公斤(俄羅斯)
尺寸 4XL:105 厘米,85 公斤(T 卹)



我們的胸帶採用透氣的 100% 聚酯網眼布料製成,旨在實現最大的舒適度和透氣性,確保您全天穿著而不會感到悶熱。


● 有效平胸:BECOMING 採用雙層壓縮技術,確保有效且持久的平胸效果,讓您實現您想要的外觀。

● 透氣布料:我們的透氣網孔布料提供全天卓越的舒適度,確保您在任何情況下都感到輕鬆自在。

● 牢固貼合:具有 4x6 排方便穿脫的掛鉤,確保安全舒適貼合,同時提供無縫飾面。

● 最大程度的平整效果和舒適感:我們的不可拉伸材料專為實現最大程度的平整效果而設計,同時優先考慮您的舒適度,讓您一整天都處於最佳狀態。

● 胸圍:31 吋(約 79 公分)
● 身高:5'8"(約178cm)
● 重量:120磅(約55公斤)





Ready to unlock your full potential with BECOMING

and see where this incredible journey leads you?



The United States flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in the United States




The Japan flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in Japan.



The Singapore flag logo, thoughtfully integrated into a design that resonates with the LGBT community in Singapore
Non-binary individual in a black tank top, contemplatively watching the city's urban sunset view from a high vantage point.

