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Wear Your Pride

Non-binary androgynous tomboy and proud lesbian transman showcasing their identity with TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ accessories, celebrating their personal journey.

En un mundo donde nuestra singularidad es nuestra mayor fortaleza, lo invitamos a celebrar juntos su individualidad.

Es hora de lucir tu identidad con orgullo desde hoy.

Your story, your pride, your accessories –

they all come together here.

Product listing image of a TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge, pinned on a shirt, showcasing a symbol of pride and identity.
Model demonstration in the TOMSCOUT lookbook, featuring the LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge prominently pinned on a shirt. This image showcases the badge as a proud symbol of identity and solidarity within the LGBT community, perfect for transgender men, non-binary individuals, and tomboys in Singapore seeking to visibly express their pride and connection.
Model demonstration in the TOMSCOUT lookbook, featuring the LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge prominently pinned on a shirt. This image showcases the badge as a proud symbol of identity and solidarity within the LGBT community, perfect for transgender men, non-binary individuals, and tomboys in Singapore seeking to visibly express their pride and connection.
Model demonstration in the TOMSCOUT lookbook, featuring the LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge prominently pinned on a shirt. This image showcases the badge as a proud symbol of identity and solidarity within the LGBT community, perfect for transgender men, non-binary individuals, and tomboys in Singapore seeking to visibly express their pride and connection.
Model demonstration in the TOMSCOUT lookbook, featuring the LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge prominently pinned on a shirt. This image showcases the badge as a proud symbol of identity and solidarity within the LGBT community, perfect for transgender men, non-binary individuals, and tomboys in Singapore seeking to visibly express their pride and connection.
Model demonstration in the TOMSCOUT lookbook, featuring the LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge prominently pinned on a shirt. This image showcases the badge as a proud symbol of identity and solidarity within the LGBT community, perfect for transgender men, non-binary individuals, and tomboys in Singapore seeking to visibly express their pride and connection.
Product listing image of a TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ Pride Bisexual Metal Badge, pinned on a shirt, showcasing a symbol of pride and identity.
Product listing image of a TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ Pride Metal Badge, pinned on a shirt, showcasing a symbol of pride and identity.
Product listing image of a TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ Pride Transgender Metal Badge, pinned on a shirt, showcasing a symbol of pride and identity.

Insignia de metal del orgullo

$ 186.00
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Causa un impacto sutil pero seguro con estas insignias de metal LGBTQ+ Pride.

Representa tu orgullo sin miedo, de una manera elegante y con estilo, y agrega un toque de brillo a cualquier atuendo con esta pequeña bandera del orgullo. El esmalte suave y vibrante y los hermosos detalles dorados hacen que este pin se destaque y haga una declaración donde quiera que vaya.

Entonces, colóquelo en su chaqueta, blusa, bolso o mochila y deje que la insignia hable por sí sola.

● Medidas: 1,5 cm x 1,5 cm

● El cierre de mariposa lo mantiene firmemente en su lugar sobre cualquier prenda de vestir.

● Perfecto para representar tu orgullo o mostrar tu apoyo.

● Medidas: 1,5 cm x 1,5 cm

● El cierre de mariposa lo mantiene firmemente en su lugar sobre cualquier prenda de vestir.

● Perfecto para representar tu orgullo o mostrar tu apoyo.

Un símbolo de tu orgullo

Cada accesorio lleva la esencia de la diversidad y la creencia de que vale la pena celebrar el viaje de todos.

Insignia de metal del orgullo

$ 186.00
Joyful assembly of non-binary, androgynous tomboys, transmen, and lesbians, united in happiness and celebrating pride and equality, showcased in the TOMSCOUT LGBTQ+ Pride Kits Collection.

Una muestra audaz de identidad:

🌈 Eleva tu autenticidad

Cada expresión de orgullo agrega un toque de coraje y un sentido tangible de uno mismo a su identidad.

🌈 Colores que brillan

A diferencia de ocultar tu verdadero yo, abrazar el orgullo no se desvanecerá, preservando la apariencia vibrante de tu individualidad incluso a través de los altibajos de la vida.

🌈 Resiliencia inquebrantable

Su elección de abrazar el orgullo garantiza que su singularidad resista la prueba del tiempo, sin importar los desafíos que enfrente.

🌈 El Empoderamiento

Aceptar tu orgullo no se trata sólo de valentía; es una opción poderosa que fomenta un mundo más inclusivo y auténtico.